Local Highways has a link to a portal to record areas that flood. If residents can report specific areas that flood using the portal, then the Highways Authority will know of the recurring issues, where these issues are exactly and fits within their existing processes where accountability and action is taken The portal link can be found at https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/
Kirtling and Upend Parish Council has been awarded £2,000 by East Cambs to help improve the ‘look & feel’ of the area here we live. Much of this money will be used to plant bulbs and perennials so, any volunteers would be very welcome. To register your interest to help with planting, please email info@kirtlingandupend.org and we’ll let you know… Read more »
IMPORTANT NOTICE If you are considering parking at the Kirtling & Upend Village Hall, please note: 1.If you have booked the hall, you and your guests are allowed to park without further permission2. If you have NOT booked the hall, then the parking of cars is by PERMISSION ONLY For details on obtaining permission please contact Stuart Vause on vauses@tiscali.co.uk… Read more »
Last Monday’s Parish Council meeting with Kirtling & Upend residents was a great success capturing many of the needs and ideas of our parishioners. Among the areas of interest include; expanding the speed limit boundaries to incorporate new properties, traffic calming within the existing 30 mph range as well as developing a ‘pride in parish’ desire program and better road/footpaths… Read more »
Kirtling & Upend Parish Council are keen to engage with you and understand how you feel about the parish today. In addition, to learn your thoughts on how to spend the CIL revenues in the best interests of our parishThe Parish Councillors will be holding a ‘Meet & Greet’ session on September 25th from 6pm until 7pm at the Village… Read more »