Thanks to Penny Close, our local historian, we have access to the comprehensive survey of the Kirtling Estate commissioned by Lord North in 1578. Below is just a short extract – the full survey is 75 pages long, and also consisted of a map which now resides in a library at the University of Kansas. We have contacted the University and if they can locate the map we hope they will give permission for us to reproduce it on this website. We’ll keep you posted.
Manor of KERTLINGE in the county of Cambridge
Survey made there by ROBERT DOON surveyor in the 30th year of the reign of our Lady QUEEN ELIZABETH by the order of the honourable ROGER NORTHE, Knight, Lord North, Baron of KERTELYNGE, Lord of the Manor there by the information of the tenants of the same manor following by their oaths and also by view of charters and copies of land and tenements conferred both by fee of this manor and by fees of others in the territory of KIRTELYNGE aforesaid and by due examination of the rolls of the court and rentals of the said manor as is shown below.
Site of the Manor of KERTELINGE with the lands and tenements touching and adjoining the same
And the said site of the Manor lies between the stakes of the old park there on the NE and the common way aforesaid leading to NEWMARKET on the other part and abutting onto Bernefeild and the other said lands remaining in the Lord’s manor to the SE and onto the cemetery of the parish church of KIRTELINGE on one part and upon the tenement and lands of the Lord in farm to WILLIAM DEIRSLEY on the part to the NW, on which site the chief mansion of the lordship called Kirtelinge Hall with the moat or pond, orchards, gardens, courts interior and exterior, which were formerly founded and built by the Hon. EDWARD NORTHE, Knight, Lord Northe Baron of KIRTELINGE, father of the Hon. ROGER NORTHE, Knight, now Lord North and Baron of KIRTELINGE aforesaid and Lord of this Manor in all that is fit, suitable and necessary both for nobility and for socage.
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