Inventory of William James

Transcribed from the original document (partly torn and rotted) by Penny Close of Kirtling.

The Inventary of the goods and chattells of William Janes of Kirtling in the parish of Kirtlinge deceased

true …. Moveable goods cattoll, chattells household stuffes/ utensills of husbandry whatsoever that late were of/ William JANES of Kirtling in the county of Cambridge /gent deceased takne and apprised the fifth daye of / September in the yeare of our Lord God one/ thousand 6 hundred sixty and sixe by us whose/ names are hereunder written as fols

Imp  his apparrell and money in his purse       XV.OO.OO

In his bedchamber

Itm 2 posted bedsteads 3 feather bedds/ 3 bolsters 6 pillowes foure blanketts1/greene rugg 1 greene covelette and 2 paire of/ curteyns and vallance with curteyne irons valued at       £XII

Itm there more 1 table wth a drawer 1 wicker/ chayre 1 stoole 3 chayres 1 trunk/ 1 looking glasse a pr of cobirons a pr of tongs/ a fireskreene valued at          XXXs

In the chamber over his bedchamber

Itm  there 3 trunks 1 chest one boxe 1/ pr of greene curteyns and vallance 1 pr of redd/ curteyns and Vallance and 1 greene counterpayne/ and a peece of greene stuffe valued at           LXXs

Itm there one leather chayre 1 close stoole 3/ old blanketts and 1 old rugg valued at    XIIIs IIIId

In the Hall

Itm  there one drawing table 1 large cubboard/ 2 small tables 5 buffet stooles 8/ chayres 5 old cushions LIIIIs IIIId

Itm  there one gridiron 5 trammels 1 pr of/ cobirons a pr of tongs a firepan and pr of bellowes   XIIIs IIIId

In the Parlor

Itm there 1 posted bedstead a trundle bedsted a/ pr of redd curteyns and vallance 3 curteyne/ rodds 1 feather bedd (9b) one fether bolster 2 pillowes 5 blanketts and one yellow rugg valued at a bedcore a strawing matt val       LX£

Itm there 1 trundle bedd 2 pillowes1 feather/ bedd a feather bolster 2 blanketts and 2 small ruggs        XVIs

Itm  more there 1 drawing table 4 buffet/ stooles 12 leather rushy chayres 2 leather/ stooles 7 turky wrought cushions 1/ livery cupboard wth a redd table carpett and a redd/ cupboard cloth val at          VI£

Itm there more 1 clock 1 still 2 pr of/ cobirons a paire of tongs & a fire pann at          XLs

In the chamber over the Hall

Itm there one postedbedsted 1 iron jack/ a meale tubb a pr of woodden scales? One iron beame a pitch pann a brand a corne screene 1 bushell 1 peck 1 casting shovell 12/ forckes & 1 old chayre val           IVs

Itm there more 1 pcell of wheate & 1 pcell/ of malt 2 old barrells and other lumber at              XLVs

In a little chambr neere

Itm there one halfe headed bedsted 1 feather bedd/ 2 feather bolsters 2 feather pillows a/ striped canapy wth curteyns 3 blanketts/ & ! redd rugg val at         IIII£

Itm there more one small table 1 livery presse/ cupboard 2 leather chayres 2 old chayres/ more, 1 buffet stoole one other old stoole 1/ cabinett 1 deske 1 large bible valued at       LXs

Itm there more another pcell of bookes val         XLVs

Itm there more 1 silver guilt tankard 1 silver bowle/ 1 silver salt 12 silver spoones 1 silver/ candle pott wth a cover 1 silver wyne cupp 2/ watches wth silver cases 2 silver seales 2/ silver hookes 2 currells 1 small enammelle/ ring & a peece of old gold val            XXII£

In a little closett by

Itm there a pr of virginalls 3 small stooles/ some glasse some stone bottles a pcell of white/ earthen dishes val at               XLs

In the cheese chamber

Itm there a pcell of cheese & butter val at         III£ Xs

In the buttry

Itm there 1 keepe wth a drawer 2 hoggesheads 3/ barrells 1 keeler 2 old stooles 2/ shelves 1 forme a pr of woodden scales 3/ funnells? Woodden dishes, trenchers & spoones &/ other lumber there val at   LVs

In the dayry

Itm there 1 cheesepresse 1 barrelkl churne 1/ hand churne 1 standing keeler 2/ cheestubbs 8 cheese motts 8 milk bowles/ 2 cheese bredds 2 butter firkins 3 pailes/ 4 shelves 5 leaden weights & other lumber there    XLVIs VIIId

In another little roome neere

Itm there 1 small powdering tubb a pr of butter/ scales 2 keeleres 1 shelfe 2 rowling pynns & a battledore with other lumber there val at            VIs VIIId

In the kitchyn

Itm there 1 dresser board one boulting hutch/ 1 peele 1 seive 2 ravells 1 trevett 2/ spitts a dripping pann & other utensills of husbandry val at           XIIIs IIIId

In the chambr over the kitchyn

Itm there 1 trundle bedstedd one bedd wth / feathers & flocks together 3 feather bolsters/ 3 blanketts & a rugg val at              XXXs

Itm there a small table, a forme, a buffet stoole/ a lanthorne 3 leather bottles a corne/ riddle a small pcell of horse corne 2 iron pitches 1 cutting sawe/ & a hand sawe val at       XXs

In the Brewhouse

Itm there 1 copper one mashing fatt 3/ tubbs 1 keeler 2 old stooles 1 fire forke & a pcell of deale boardes val at               IIII£

Itm brasse & pewter val at           VIII£

Itm linnen val at            IX£

In the yard

Itm there a pcell of wood val at           V£

Itm there 3 hogges 2 shotts a sowe & 4 piggs at         III£

In the Cowe house

Itm there a pcell of Sawne stuff 1 swathe rake/ & other lumber there val at     XIIIs

In the stable

Itm there 6 collers 3pr of carte traise a pr of/ fillbells [the chainings to the collar of a carthorse, by which he draws] & cart saddle 1 rope 4 pair of plow/ traise foure bitt halters 3 croopers 3 bridles/ 3 saddles 4 iron tyres a shovell & pitch forke val at            XLVIs

In the hay barne

Itm a pcell of hey there val at            X£

In the corne barne

Itm there a pcell of wheete & barly val at         XXV£

Itm there 1 fann 6 pitch forkes 2 seives &/ 2 rakes val at       IIIIs

Itm in the yard Itm there 1 stack of bullymong val at       X£

Itm there more 2 carts & 1 tumbrell without wheeles        VII£Xs

Itm 12 cowes & 2 wennell calfes val at         XXXV£

Itm 5 horses a mare & foale & a yearling colt at         XX£

Itm a plow & plowgeeres val at          VIIIs

Itm a pr of iron harrowes & 3 ladders val at         Xs

Itm for tylth of land val at         VI£ XIIIs IIIId

Itm for money due uppon specialtye         LXX£

Itm oweing in despate debts          LXIIII£

Itm for things forgotten           VIs

The total some CCCLXXXIX£ VIIIs

Jo HEYWARD Apprisers