Kirtling and Upend Parish Council – as a statutory consultee of East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) – is asked to comment on all planning applications within the Parish. The District Council must take into account, but not necessarily follow, the views or recommendations of the Parish Council.
The Parish Council is consulted for its local knowledge regarding a Planning Application. This is the role of the planning committee at ECDC (made up of District Councillors) or sometimes by the planning officers using delegated powers. Their decisions are based upon Planning Policies set out in the Local Plan, Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Government Guidance.
How do I view the plans?
- Either on-line through East Cambridgeshire Planning Portal.
- At East Cambridgeshire District Council office in Ely
What do I do if I have an interest or want to object to a Planning Application?
First you must view the plans and supporting documentation. If you wish to object you must write to or email ECDC.
Listed below are reasons for objecting to a particular application:
- Highways – access/roads unsuitable for the development (where access is a relevant consideration).
- Loss of light – dependent on the size/siting of the development to a neighbouring property’s principal windows (can they be directly looked into?).
- Design/size/scale/materials of proposal in relation to the existing property, neighbouring properties and general location.
- Effect on/loss of protected trees or listed buildings
- Setting of listed buildings or impact on a Conservation Area.
- Noise, fumes, smell or loss of privacy.
- Risk of flooding as a result of the proposal.
- Loss of a valuable facility if dealt with in the local plan.
Things which are not normally planning considerations include:
- Loss of view/aspect.
- Personal matters relating to the specific applicant.
- Changes to land/property values.
- Personal taste with respect to the proposal.
Pot holes registration can be found on the County site https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/roadworks-and-faults