Kirtrling & Upend Produce and Craft Show 2015

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The 37th Produce and Craft Show was held at Kirtling Village Hall on Saturday 5th September. Judging began at 9.15am and the Show opened free to the public at 2.00pm. Vegetables, Flowers, Kitchen Produce and Crafts were equally represented and overall, at 277, entries were 15% higher than last year. The recent rains has had an impact on flowers, and the number of Children’s entries was disappointing. However, the recent decline in the number of craft entries was reversed. The Committee is grateful for the meticulous care take by the external Judges and their Assistants in the morning, and for the work of Terry Webb in calculating the winners and losers in such a short time. The following list of the successful entrants, formed the basis of the Prize Giving by John Kiteley at 3.30 pm.
Additional highlights this year were the Children’s Treasure Hunt, arranged by Terry Webb, a show of Classic Cars arranged by Ted Messider , displays of crafts from Cheveley and by Hilda Bailey, and the display of about 80 Glove Puppets knitted each year for Palestinian refugee children by Mrs Howe.
In cool but pleasant weather there was a good crowd of visitors enjoying not only the exhibits, but also socialising over superb tea and cakes, provided by Veronica Aspland and Brenda Witherden, assisted by Anne Dunachie, bowls, organised by Derek Bailey and the raffle, run by Scilla Harvey and Lesley Golding. It is fair to say, that a good time was had by all.

Results from the show are available here

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