Minutes from AGM held on the 18th May 2015

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Here are the minutes for the Annual General Meeting held directly after the APM on the 18th May 2015: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J5e5qiAmX3ZVM1RVNRN2RTR0E&authuser=0

Minutes from APM held on 18th May 2015

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Here are the minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 18th May 2015: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J5e5qiAmX3NDBmUENvb2NQbG8&authuser=0

Agenda for APM to be held on the 18th May 2015

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Here is the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on the 18th April 2015: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J5e5qiAmX3TGNReE5xdXZnM00&authuser=0

Parish Council meeting minutes for 20th April 2015

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Here are the minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on the 20th April 2015: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J5e5qiAmX3dk92OVJXLTFid3c&authuser=0

Parish Council Meeting agenda for 20th April 2015

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Here is the agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held on the 20th April 2015: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J5e5qiAmX3WWdLNnJCT1ZnaVk&authuser=0