Residents Group


The Kirtling & Upend Residents Group is a voluntary organisation that aims to protect and promote the collective interests of the residents and will endeavour to represent the community of Kirtling & Upend to retain its unique and special character.

This will be achieved by ensuring that village needs and concerns in respect of services, roads, public transport, items of interest, tree preservation and planning applications are communicated.

We aim to work towards improving the quality of life for local people, promoting social activities and encouraging a community spirit and sense of responsibility.

Our aim is to communicate with residents either through the parish website, email or a hand delivered notice.

Please let us hear your views either by email, phone or come to one of our events and chat with us.

Get Involved

   The best way to keep informed is to sign-up to the parish email mail list.
  Search for: Kirtling and Upend Residents Group

Committee Members

Name Role Contact
Tracey Button Chair 01638 730275
Sarah Hellowell Vice Chair 01638 731140
Phil Neal Treasurer 07921 056530
Sue Humphreys Secretary 01638 730699
Emily Davies Member 07813 193956
Jacqui Rushe Member 01638 732609
Mark Hellowell Member 01638 731140
Nick Milner Member 01638 730464